


不安 疲労困憊して落ち着かない 灼熱の痛み 火のように燃える感覚突然の大脱力 癌性疼痛 上皮腫 腐敗した死体臭 やせ衰え 喘息 下痢 赤痢 窒息の恐れ 花粉症 息切れ 食中毒
コリーザ マラリア性悪液質 アルコール中毒 水腫 顔面蒼白腫れ精神:非常に神経質で不安 落ち着きがない 絶えず場所を変える
健康に対する不安 死に対する恐怖 病気 無秩序 汚れ 細菌 躁病
支配的で要求が厳しい 絶望が彼を場所から場所へ追いやる

基調: 好転:乾燥  悪化: 定期的に 労作  真夜中頃特徴:死に対する大きな恐怖 極度の落ち着きのなさ  著しい衰弱
極度の灼熱痛  不安なうめき声を伴う落ち着きのなさ
氷を食べたり氷水を飲むと悪影響がある  喉が非常に渇き少量ずつ何度も水を飲む

主に右側の症状 皮膚の発疹を抑圧後の喘息
ケチで独占欲が強い 不安

解毒剤 : Carb-v, Chin, Hep, lod, tab, samb, Nux-v

次に使うと良いレメデイ: Acon, Agar, Arn, Bell, Cham, Chin, Ip, Lach, Verat

#arsenicumalbum  #homeopathic
#homeopati #homeopathicremedy


Arsenicum album (white Oxide of arsenic)Anxiety, exhaustion and restlessness, burning pains, burning like fire, sudden great weakness,
cancer,  cancer pains, epithelioma, putrid cadaveric odores, emaciation, asthma
fears of suffocation, hay fever, shortness of breath, food poisoning, acrid thin and scanty,
coryza, malarial cachexia, alcoholism. dropsy, pale, baggy, swellingsMInd: Extremely nervous and anxious, restlessness, changes place continually, anxiety about health,fear of death, diseases, fastidious upset about disorder, dirt, germs, mania,
wants to be held, domineering and demanding, despair drives him from place to placeModalities: Better hot dry applications, worse periodically, exertion, around midnight
Characteristic: great fear of death, extreme restlessness, marked weakness, extreme burning pains, restlessness with anxious moaning burning in the throat is better by eating or drinking hot things, ill effect of eating ice and drinking ice water. thirst for little and often, predominantly right sides, asthma from suppressed skin rash, can become stingy and possessive, insecureAntidote : Carb-v, Chin, Hep, lod, tab, samb, Nux-vFollows well: Acon, Agar, Arn, Bell, Cham, Chin, Ip, Lach,Reference; Natures materia medica/ Robin Murphy

My Homeopathy consultation is available for both acute and Chronic symptoms.
more details please check my website
and DM me for inquiryhttp://keikoazegami.dk

